Okay here are a bunch of the web sites that I really enjoyed visiting and visit on a regular basis.  If you have any interesting sites you think I should add please email me and I'll do my best.

Sites to make you Laugh:

Animated Critter Links - You've heard of the Dancing Hamsters.  Well here's where he lives with all of his dancing friends.
Giggle Stick
- Some very funny little games to play (free).  You'll laugh and laugh.  You will need a flash program to play at this site.
Big Giant Head
- loads of jokes and games.

Sites for Travel Ideas:

Lonely Planet - This site is an off chute of the Television show.  Lots of information about just about anywhere in the world.
Map Quest
- Need to know how to get from point A to point B?  This is the site for you.

Sites for Shopping:

Retail Canada - This site lists many CANADIAN online catalogues.
The Shopping Channel - Not in front of a TV?  But still want to order that cute little dress you saw on TSC?  Well order it online.  CANADIAN funds.

Sites for House and Home:

Painted House - Ever want to know how to do all those funky painting tricks?  Well here's the site that will show you how.  From traditional to out of this world.
Home Styles - In the market to build a new home?  This site has dozens of plans to choose from.
Martha Stewart - No home section would be complete without a link to her highness Mrs. Stewart.
Lowe's How-To Library - Need to fix something?  Too cheap to get a professional to do it?  Here's your site.
CDKitchen Recipe Collection - Too many recipes to count in a wide variety of subjects.
CopyKat Collection - Ever wonder what the recipe for your favourite restaurant mean was?  There's a good chance you'll find it here.
Food Network - Want the Emeril's recipe from last night?  Or Bobby Flays BBQ recipes?  Here's the site.
Cooking Light - For the lighter, healthier side of cooking, find tons of ideas here.

Sites to help your Web Page:

Designs By Mark - All I can say is WOW.  This is an excellent site for anyone that wants to learn a million tricks about web page creation.  Including Graphics and basic information on how to set up a web page.
Cathedral Graphics
- An incredible about of graphic sets to download FREE and use on your pages.  The creator Winter is also very helpful if you have problems.
Web Diner Inc. - Is a site that gives you all kinds of info on how to build a website, add new features etc..
The Graphics Ring - another site to get tons of graphics and web site information.

Under Construction - Last Updated Jun/07/00


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