Martial Arts.
I've been studying Kenpo and Arnis (stick fighting) for over four years now.
My interests, in the beginning, were mostly a basic fascination with Martial Arts in
general and a need to find a fitness program that would keep my
interest for more that the usual three months that my previous
attempts had lasted.
From the first
day, I knew that I had found what I was looking for. I believe
the reason for the failure of my other attempts at physical activity
were because the workouts became monotonous and boring. I can
say with much conviction that I have never been bored in the 4 years that I have been involved in the Martial Arts.
as with all types of Martial Arts, is a constant learning experience.
If you have the desire and dedication to take the training right to
Black Belt and beyond you must be willing to spend a tremendous amount
of time learning and practicing, but I believe that it is worth it.
The incredible feeling of accomplishment I get when I complete a Form
or Set (a.k.a. Kata),
or learn a defence or weapon, is such a boost to the self esteem, a
kind of natural high, which I quickly became addicted to. Of
course each person has a different reason for starting
with the Martial Arts.
I originally
started training, July/98, with a local school, Olympic
Karate, that teaches a
system developed by Master Mike Donovan 7th degree. It is a
hybrid system of both American and Tracy Kenpo. I trained with
them for 2 years getting to Blue Belt which was the 10th belt in a 14
belt system. Then I had an injury, during my recovery time I
decided to start training American Kenpo as I found it more
"realistic" for the real world, and the people in my area
that train American Kenpo are excellent martial artist and I hope to
learn much from them.
Click on the
Kenpo icon below to see what I have on just that form or click on the Martial Arts icon for links to
many other related