A Little Information About Me

Hi There!  Welcome to my site.

I live in London, Ontario, CANADA (HELLO EH!!). 

I work for an Insurance Company as a Property Underwriter and no it's not as boring as it sounds. Insurance can be fun .... Honest! 

Please email me and tell me what you think of the site, or just to chat. I'm open to any suggestions. (within reason)

Personal Interests

Interest #1 Martial Arts. I've been studying Kenpo and Arnis (stick fighting) for over four years now.

My interests, in the beginning, were mostly a basic fascination with Martial Arts in general and a need to find a fitness program that would keep my interest for more that the usual three months that my previous attempts had lasted.

From the first day, I knew that I had found what I was looking for.  I believe the reason for the failure of my other attempts at physical activity were because the workouts became monotonous and boring.  I can say with much conviction that I have never been bored in the 4 years that I have been involved in the Martial Arts.  

Kenpo, as with all types of Martial Arts, is a constant learning experience.  If you have the desire and dedication to take the training right to Black Belt and beyond you must be willing to spend a tremendous amount of time learning and practicing, but I believe that it is worth it.  The incredible feeling of accomplishment I get when I complete a Form or Set (a.k.a. Kata), or learn a defence or weapon, is such a boost to the self esteem, a kind of natural high, which I quickly became addicted to.  Of course each person has a different reason for starting with the Martial Arts.

I originally started training, July/98,  with a local school, Olympic Karate, that teaches a system developed by Master Mike Donovan 7th degree.  It is a hybrid system of both American and Tracy Kenpo.  I trained with them for 2 years getting to Blue Belt which was the 10th belt in a 14 belt system.  Then I had an injury, during my recovery time I decided to start training American Kenpo as I found it more "realistic" for the real world, and the people in my area that train American Kenpo are excellent martial artist and I hope to learn much from them. 

Click on the Kenpo icon below to see what I have on just that form or click on the Martial Arts icon for links to many other related topics.

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My other interests:

MOVIES: Any kind except horror or those juvenile Guy movies like "Big Daddy". I know, I know you guys don't want to see any Chick flicks so we're even.

MUSIC:  Rock and Roll and Blues are my favourite but the only kind of music I really dislike is Old Country and Rap music (sorry just not my style)

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES: Bicycling mostly, hiking, I roller blade but only as comedy relief for my friends. I'm not very good at it. I don't do much winter sports though I would like to start cross country skiing some day. Oh yes, and Mini Golf. I love Mini Golf and I cheat horribly because I'm terrible at it.



The Latest News

Update:  Aug/19/02 my friends school is opening up.  London Martial Arts, owner and head instructor Mr. Bryson Ingram, his senior instructor is Jason Arnold a member of the Chinese Karate Federation.  I'm starting training full time again.  I am both looking forward to it and dreading it.  It's been a long time since I've trained full time.  It will be interesting to see how my out of shape body handles it.

Oct/02/02  I have now been training for 6 weeks minimum 4 classes a week, approximately 2hrs a day.  It was a struggle to start.  I was so out of shape thought I wouldn't make it, but it's slowly getting easier.  It will be a while before I'm back in fighting shape (if I ever was) but I'm having fun and looking forward to each class.

Are you into Martial Arts?
Want to talk to others of like interest?  Then click the icon below.  

Martial Talk is probably the best Martial Arts discussion forum around, for all Martial Arts forms.  There are excellent discussion with very little Bickering or Politics involved.  Give it a try.


"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."
Oscar Wilde


Events and
Things of Interest

Mr. Lee Wedlake

Saturday December 14, 2002
at 2:30 p.m. at the

O.K.K.A. Studios 
1472 Dundas Street
London, Ontario Canada
N5W 3B9

Contact Paul Dawdy
(519) 659-0521 or apdawdy@hotmail.com

Cost $30 in advance
$45 at the door.

Mr. Wedlake is the author of three books on Kenpo Karate. His books: 

Kenpo Karate 101, Further Insights into Kenpo &
Kenpo Karate 201 - co-authored with Mr. Huk Planas can all be found at his web site www.lwkarate.com

Hope to see you all there! 
A. Paul Dawdy O.K.K.A. Studios

More Information


Because I had to change website hosts, some of the pages are incomplete please forgive the messiness.  Hope to have it back to normal soon.  DK

Dec/03/02 - Finally got around to updating some bits and pieces, but there's still lots to do.  Trying to fix broken links and such.  I'll try to keep at it a little faster.  Fixed the Kenpo Links page and the Kenpo Events page.  

Oct/02/02 - Updated front page with new personal info and added (2) new up coming events.  See Kenpo Events Page 

Aug/01/02 - changed my site host to Tripod as Talkcity went bankrupt.  So I finally got to update my site.  Whoo HOO!!

Since I update this page so much I have added a journal for the changes.  So I can keep track of them.  My web page journal.


Site last updated December 3rd, 2002.  
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