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The Chat Rooms

I was surprised to come across a Karate Chat room some months ago, and now I've found a few others.  Here they are, they are easy to register in and FREE to boot.  I will have to say that I've only actually chatted with people in the first room, it's hard to find people online. 

Martial Arts Chat - This chat room is very friendly, the window tends to bounce around as it refreshes but it's not much of a problem.  This is my favourite chat so far.

Karate Talk - Is a good place it also has discussion forums and places where you can download pic's, and recommend books an video.  The people on here are quite helpful if you post a question on in the discussion groups you are almost guaranteed to get a responce.

All Black Belt Chat - I just found this site this is a slow site that you must manually reload, constantly to see the conversation.  I haven't actually chatted to anyone on this site yet.  It has been empty each time I've gone in.

Yahoo Club Martial Arts Forum - This ones a little harder to register in you have to register for Yahoo first and download there chat program.  Then you register for the "Club" in this case the MA Forum and an email is sent to confirm.  On the good side, it has a lot of options, (i.e. gestures and emotions) to make chatting easier.  I have yet to actually chat to anyone on this site either but I am looking forward to it.

BudoSeek Martial Arts Community - Very easy chat to get into, check out the rest of the pages as well lots of MA information on every type imaginable.

 I K K O's  Chat Room    6:00 - 9:00 pm Arizona time